Hawaii Weather API!

Available Routes

  • /api/v1.0/precipitation: Returns JSON of dates and precipitation observations from the last year of data in the dataset.
  • /api/v1.0/stations: Returns JSON of stations from the dataset.
  • /api/v1.0/tobs: Returns JSON of dates and temperature observations from the last year of data in the dataset.
  • /api/v1.0/start_date: Returns JSON of the overall minimum temperature, overall maximum temperature, and overall average temperature for all dates starting from the start date until the last date available.
  • /api/v1.0/start_date/end_date: Returns JSON of the overall minimum temperature, overall maximum temperature, and overall average temperature for all dates between the start date and end date, inclusive.

  • Raw API Code

                    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                    # Step 1: Import all necessary modules and create Flask app
                    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                    from flask import Flask, jsonify, render_template
                    import pandas as pd
                    import datetime as dt
                    # create app
                    app = Flask(__name__)
                    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                    # Step 3: Set up db connection and session
                    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                    # set up sqlalchemy engine
                    from sqlalchemy import create_engine
                    engine = create_engine('sqlite:///hawaii.sqlite')
                    # set up sqlalchemy base
                    from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base
                    Base = automap_base()
                    Base.prepare(engine, reflect=True)
                    # map classes
                    Station = Base.classes.stations
                    Measurement = Base.classes.measurements
                    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                    # Step 3: Create all required routes
                    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                    def welcome():
                        return render_template('index.html',name='home');
                    # dates and precipitation observations from the last year in the dataset
                    def precipitation():
                        last_year_start = (dt.date(2017,8,23) - dt.timedelta(days=365)).isoformat()
                        query = (f'SELECT date, precipitation FROM measurements \
                                 WHERE date > "{last_year_start}"')
                        return jsonify(pd.read_sql(query, engine).to_dict(orient='records'));
                    # json list of stations from the dataset.
                    def stations():
                        query = 'SELECT station, name FROM stations'
                        return jsonify(pd.read_sql(query, engine).to_dict(orient='records'));
                    # json list of Temperature Observations (tobs) for the previous year 
                    #def tobs():
                    #    return "hi";
                    # json list of the min temp, avg temp, max temp where date = given start<=
                    def temps_startOnly(start):
                        query = (f'SELECT AVG(temp) AS "Average Temperature", MIN(temp) \
                                 AS "Minimum Temperature", MAX(temp) AS "Maximum Temperature" \
                                 FROM measurements WHERE date >= "{start}"')
                        return jsonify(pd.read_sql(query, engine).to_dict(orient='records'));
                    # json list: min temp, avg temp, max temp for dates between start/end inclusive
                    def temps_startAndEnd(start, end):
                        query = (f'SELECT AVG(temp) AS "Average Temperature", MIN(temp) \
                                 AS "Minimum Temperature", MAX(temp) AS "Maximum Temperature" \
                                 FROM measurements WHERE date >= "{start}" AND date <= "{end}"')
                        return jsonify(pd.read_sql(query, engine).to_dict(orient='records'));  
                    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                    # Step 4: Define main
                    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                    if __name__ == "__main__":